What does this mean?

You, the client are an important part of the assessment, the treatment and the recovery plan.

What does it look like in practice? What is the role of the physiotherapist?

  1. Your physiotherapist will listen carefully and respectfully as you inform him/her about your symptoms and how they behave.
  2. If needed and with your permission your physiotherapist will coordinate with other health care professionals in order to have a detailed history and get at the root cause of your condition.
  3. Together you will analyze, discuss and explain any medical tests you may have had in the past.
  4. Your physiotherapist will consider all factors that might affect your condition.
    After the initial assessment your physiotherapist will provide you with his/her honest and informed professional opinion and finally, formulate a short-term and long-term treatment plan that best suits your unique situation.

The treatment plan will be evaluated and modified regularly based on your input and observed outcomes.

Our goal is to have you feeling better in the shortest possible time and to empower you to self treat and prevent recurrences.